Hello guys, I deleted my studio account 0hMyLook and switched to an independent new account GentleAngel, my dear friends, those who lost me, now I will be glad to meet you here, I look forward to new acquaintances and all my old friends. I would like to note that I changed my camera, now the camera will broadcast in 4K quality. I hope new innovations will be a pleasant bonus for our conversation! See you my dears!❤️
I had a strange question today from a person visiting my room, so this is my question to you, guys:
So, I had a video today, everything was great, nothing to complain about it (I never do). Yet, I get this question - "Why aren`t you wearing a make-up?" Now, the thing is that I do care about my face, so I am just not wearing any make-up (generally speaking, not only here). I have a clean skin, so I don`t feel the need to wear any foundation or anything like that, and thing is, I never got this question before (I don`t consider myself as being a beautiful person, but not ugly either).
Now, my question to you guys is - Do you prefer women here to wear a make-up? If so, why?
RE: I had a strange question today from a person visiting my room, so this is my question to you, guys:
Most women dont need any make up , with all the lashes extensions, lips pumping , permanent makeup tatoo etc wonder what make up mean for some men, purple eye shadows and matrioshka cheeks ?
RE: I had a strange question today from a person visiting my room, so this is my question to you, guys:
Ηere is a fantasy site women trying to lure men to get their money. Perfecting your imperfections will get u more money. In real life u can do whatever u like.
RE: I had a strange question today from a person visiting my room, so this is my question to you, guys:
In my mind if makeup makes a woman feel better or safer then I respect that, but honestly, a woman's true beauty shines through her eyes and her personality.
A woman (or a man) can look like a supermodel but if she (or he) is not a good person then when you get to know them you stop seeing the outer mask and see only the ugliness beneath.
Meeting people here it is the connection with that person that determines (at least for me) what beauty I see in them. sorry if this sounds like i am trying to preach but it is just how i feel.
Anyone know what happened to 00Scarlet (not sure I got the Name completely right)? She has super sexy long nails, like claws. She apparently deleted her account and left.
Apparently, from what I've heard, hosts have to periodically at least sign in and agree to something to keep the account active. It seems, if they don't, after about 3 months the profile will go hidden, but not gone. If at some point the host returns and signs again, the account is visible again and nothing has changed. They don't need to sign up again.
I suppose it keeps people from seeing a picture of someone who was here in 2005 and might recognize them. Lets them maintain some privacy even if they forgot about the site or even just forgot how to log on to delete their account cause some go and just never return.
Accounts can get suspended for breaking the rules - such as sharing personal information or showing something that is prohibited/engage in conversations that are basically against the law (even if it`s a fantasy). Also, if the account is inactive for more than 6 months, the account gets deleted.
Hi, guys. This info is for the guests who visited me in my YourRose and YourPoison rooms before (which have been suspended for about a year and I have only xSoSensual one now). Some of my Regulars have found me in xSoSensual just recently - almost by chance - as they visited me in my other rooms. So if those 2 nicks were in ur Favourites list - welcome.
Visit a second time: a connection that feels more than just rote, banal introductions. Someone who's interested in cooperating to explore their boundaries
Never visit again: only 121/gifte for fun. Don't speak good English and aren't alluring enough to cross this barrier
why most people doubt that we are not in balance? we are multidimensional and according to our lesson in this life we are in perfect balance; NEVER DOUBT YOURSELF AKKA YOUR HIGHER SELF my 2 cents
I never said or assumed that we are imbalanced. I am just curious about your opinion in this matter. You can always say - "I can easily find the balance becasue X thing". Thank you for your kind answer
Interesting question and a bit surprising to see here on this site. I very much doubt the vast majority of people ask themselves this question as they get wrapped up in the routines of their lives, ...but some do. There are some great books for example about monks who have spent years in monasteries and then returned to the world of jobs, families and such. Most found it difficult to maintain a sense of "equilibrium." I would say one way to keep some sense of balance is via meditation. And of course meditation can take many forms. I do recall one host who wanted me to meditate with her in vid. I never took her up on her offer. Something about going to vid and closing my eyes to meditate did not click with me. Best of luck to you. As Camus said, and I am paraphrasing here, "Life is in the struggle."
I'm glad you liked the idea of the discussion. I believe that, although the specifics of the site are one in another direction, we can still remain unique people, with unique thoughts, with unique questions on which we want to know the opinion of others. Personally, I am a man who asks himself existential questions, with the idea of finding out more.
Off topic - I'm not a religious person, but the only "truth" that "stands up" for me are the 7 hermetic principles - basically, all our actions and the whole Universe, from what I've observed, are based on these principles.
Okay...I did not know what the 7 hermetic principals were. So I googled. For those who also may not know, here they are from Wiki:
Seven Hermetic Principals
1. The principle of mentalism
The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental.
2. The principle of correspondence
This principle embodies the truth that there is always a correspondence between the laws and phenomena of the various planes of being and life.
3. The principle of vibration
Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.
4. The principle of polarity
Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites.
5. The principle of rhythm
Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.
6. The principle of cause and effect
Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; everything happens according to law; chance is but a name for law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law.
7. The principle of gender
Gender being in everything.
I meant to also add in my post that the concept of "mindfulness," or "being here now" is another way to quiet our monkey minds. I can already see the "eye rolling" of many members and hosts here as we discuss this. As they say....whaaatevvvveeerrr. But I might remind the skeptics that the benefits of meditation/mindfulness of the many studies validating this sort of approach in not only making us more content with our lives but also to be physically healthier, more creative and to have better relationships. Links and sources upon request. To each their own I say, unless your way involves cruelty, selfishness or even just excessive ego. And we all know the world is full of too much of that.
And of course meditation can take many forms. I do recall one host who wanted me to meditate with her in vid. I never took her up on her offer. Something about going to vid and closing my eyes to meditate did not click with me." I had to laugh out quite loud at this statement above Pete! LOLOLOL Meditating and having your eyes closed while on cam would really be something else. Can't picture myself doing it... hahaha My eyes stay open all the time my darling! ESPECIALLY while on camera! ahahahaha
not sure i really worry too much about this, basically if something helps and is not detrimental to those around you then its all good . Maybe we over estimate sometimes our importance in this rather big universe
thanks for this topic! ))) and it seems to me that it is directly related to this site! This is where everyone seeks, and many find, this balance. It is here that they realize what is “not accepted” in the external world, but is a need of the internal. Isn't spirituality an honest, sincere interaction between two people? And meditations happen in most video chats! Because orgasm is meditation - pure stay in the moment now, stopping the mind and merging with the highest... yes, this is very short-term (for a long-term such a state you already need to strain yourself with full-fledged meditation and other things), but it can be repeated) ))) So, there is more than enough spirituality here!
Why textchat isnt a problem for you while you are there with colleagues at work and videochat its a problem? Is it just an excuse or is it really bothering you so much? I wonder why textchat isnt a bother since youve got a huge pic of the chathost blinking on your screen while you chat to us
Any tips for us ? lol
To be honest i dont mind some text chat if the guy isnt comfortable with direct videochat, but i wont let `em abuse it. I am into abuse myself tho but only on request for cash lol
i don't sit in text chat. I use it to see if a model is in and available. If she doesn't reply I don't go in to videochat
If i get a message that the model is in a sesssion with another member, I wait until i get the notice she is available, or I leave and come back later (maybe)
Ah well.. i can pretty quickly see that there are two issues here.. why do people do it while at work.. and why do they only do text..
For one.. i do it sometimes when i am at work.. at home. And if it is the right host, i also visits video sometimes. I never ever do it while at work in the office because one never know when someone lurks around the corner… however i can sometimes find myself in the community chat because.. as you say yourself, its without pictures.
If people do it while at work, i bet they believe they can control their facial expression while being in text so colleagues wont suspect anything, but not while in video.. and then there maybe is the audio..
Just a guess..
But fuck a risk to take.. most offices would sack you in an instant, if you were caught video chatting.. sexual chatting i bet doesnt feel as dangerous.
Actually Rog..CC is the best site to be on now..they respect their models,(they don't do any chargebacks on models) compared to others that i wont name. Plus these contest, 60% of presents..there is no other site that's better to be on than here ! And despite few black sheeps..CC still and most likely will always have the Best Quality members . Noweone ever reported me for not wanted to waiste my time in freechat..it's reasonable. Now if only some girls would learn to be a bit more selective...the members could get even better
I agree primarily with Miles away about being here to make money, not chat away their time in free text chat. However, I also agree with you. If text chat didn't have a valid purpose, CC would discontinue it. Sadly too many members abuse it, and too many hosts neglect to use it.... Probably because of the sit in free for hours guys demanding and expecting the host's constant attention.
Yeah and it can't even be found way down on the list of popular cam sites anymore. The sit in free video chat giving tokens for sexual behavior has pretty well taken over the market. 15 or so years ago it was up there near the top of the ratings, one of the best. Now? Ehhh good luck finding it mentioned
Yea, sorry, I misread your post. I understand it now. Thanks. I suppose the level of involvement. I see text and only a picture of you, I can fairly well control my impulses, and my attention can be easily redirected. I see you "live", and actively moving, in a sexy outfit, or better yet naked and doing sexual things, my attention will be very much focused on you and not who may be walking up behind me or who may peer over my cubicle wall. And then I have to deal with arousal, and the temptation to touch myself. If I suddenly get called over to another worker's desk or worse yet the boss's office, it gets pretty awkward if I have a mile long boner bulging out my pants. I'd have to walk with file folders held awkwardly in front of me hiding my obvious excitement. The way I did with books when I was a horny hormone-driven Junior High School student, when the bell would ring and we'd have to change classes.
lol makes sense now
Well sometimes we have some friendly or romantic chat even in videochat, i assume i underrate the impact we ladies have on guys here
each will have their own prefered way of being here whether it be model or member..i think its whatever suits you. Personally i find free chat is useful to find out whether or not there is enough in common to venture in to video..id only stay there for any length of time if the model was ok with it. Other than that i tend to find comchat is good enough for me.
Hello guys!! I want to invite you to my new account *SecretAddict* since *SmartBeautiful* ( used to be AnitaBella years ago) doesn't exist anymore unfortunately and I can't contact my visitors there. I am waitng for you in my new chatroom for sweet conversations and hot videochats!!! Of course it would be my pleasure to meet new people as well!