General Forum

HAPPY GORG to everyone!

Who's gonna celebrate GORG today? It's the most exciting date, isn't it guys? I think cc has to add this contest for next year LOL
Open thread

Streaming quality of chat hosts

Is there any way for me to see the video quality of a chathost, before I start a video session? I had one yesterday and even though "high speed internet" was indicated in the old version of the profile, the stream was at best in 320*240 resolution and also grainy and pixelated.
I asked the chathost if she can improve it, but she said she does not know how, but there seemed to be a considerable language barrier. If the chathost interface is in English, she will probably not have known what to look for.
Open thread


RE: Streaming quality of chat hosts

Unfo, there is no way to see the quality before you click the magic button. As far as I know , high speed internet is not the only thing that matters. If she doesnt have a good cam that could be the issue as well. G luck!


RE: Streaming quality of chat hosts

Of course "high speed internet" is not everything that matters, far from it. However it is the only label there is on the site of us users somewhat indicating what the stream quality *might* be. 240p resolution is just really so low, if I know this beforehand I would not start a video session.





RE: Streaming quality of chat hosts

There is also the problem of chathosts working in some studios. Some studios will have hosts working multiple sites at once (some up to 8). Since CC does not feed free video before privates the studios will throttle back the CC bandwidth so the free video of other sites looks better. Sometimes this results in a poor experience on CC when in private sessions compared to other sites. Not all studios are like this however and the quality in some is exceptionally good. When I have a very poor or unusable connection (very low-res, glitchy, freezing, no sound) I will terminate, and I have found Customer Support are very understanding.


I am alive

Only a few people know where I live, but yes I was in the tornado on Friday that did so much damage. My house is completely gone, but I am safe and well. Living at my parent's house about 100 miles from "home" but trying to find new place near work again. If it seems I am quiet online, well, just can't get here.

I miss all the conversations and hope to be able to catch up with everyone again soon. :)
Open thread


RE: I am alive

That's awful to hear, the destruction was incomprehensible and you are fortunate to be alive and well. Good luck getting back on your feet and hang in there, bro.


RE: I am alive

Sorry to hear. Wish you well and hope everything works out for you.


RE: I am alive

glad to hear you are ok Mr Beard :)


RE: I am alive

Tough times might stick around for awhile, but they don’t last forever. Wish you to manage these difficulties soon. A bright future is ahead of you ))


RE: I am alive

I hope everything will be fine for you soon


RE: I am alive

I know where you live and I know the path it took. glad to hear youre ok and Insurance and time will take care of the rest. God Bless You!


RE: I am alive

I m sorry to hear bout hour house but happy you're okay, that's all matters.


RE: I am alive

Thanks everyone :) It means a lot to hear the well wishes!

Looking now for a place to live closer to work, here is almost three hours drive away. So many people without homes it becomes difficult to find a place to rent. But I may get an RV Camper to put where the house was until I begin rebuilding, plenty of room there now lol.

I miss everyone from Comm Chat, been a little quiet at night without you :)


To Santa.......

Dear Santa .
I'm writing to tell you .
I've been naughty and it was worth it.
You stupid Bastard who not bring me toy last Xmas without battery ! Judgmental bastard ! (╬▔皿▔)╯
Open thread


RE: To Santa.......



RE: To Santa.......

I want an Official Red Ryder carbine action two-hundred shot range model air rifle. Mother : No, shoot your eye out.






hello to everyone who wants to meet a Russian blonde
Open thread

be right back

Girls who had such issue. Member was trying come to pvt, but my mouse was wrong and i couldnt push to accept video. then on all my rooms appear words - be right back. i restarted pc, i reopen room, and this words was in middle of screen still. what u know aboutit?thanks
Open thread


RE: be right back

yes, because you opened the same session


RE: be right back

i will be right back also....yall need anything from the store?


RE: be right back



RE: be right back

Ahahahha obi !Good one:))


I'm done with "gifts" "tips"

Ask me for a "gift" or "tip" when i'm in session with you, that will be last time I'm in session with you. I give tips when I want and for what I want. If i think you deserve something more, I will do it. But asking, pleading, begging for me to give is a turn off to me.
Open thread





RE: I'm done with "gifts" "tips"

Why you mention it here//not better jst tell in start of pvt..i am not into tip! when price 58.8 maybe tips not nesessary!!!!


RE: I'm done with "gifts" "tips"

Indeed! Or max price is not necessary if tips are big enough lol


RE: I'm done with "gifts" "tips"

and that there are girls who have such a large price list and at the same time they have calls???


RE: I'm done with "gifts" "tips"

cose he want i ask he for jift here and now ,without aven his private :))))))))
hahaha)))))(love blabla -man)





RE: I'm done with "gifts" "tips"

thing is sometimes theres a translator typing for them. It might not be the girls sale pitch strategy but the studio's shes working for. they dont always have a clear understanding of how much its the end price. theres always the myth of the rich foreigner and so on. they basically have no idea whats going on in this industry and they just try to wing it the worse they can :)


RE: I'm done with "gifts" "tips"

Love your answer!


Dear Non Adult Host

please stop doing adult shows in your you want to be banned? if a members ask you to get naked...the answer is should understand the are making it harder for girls in adult catagory in my not saying this about any particular host..i just know some girls do this without question
Open thread


RE: Dear Non Adult Host

Who made you judge jury and executioner?


RE: Dear Non Adult Host

that would be cc rules








RE: Dear Non Adult Host

yep you are probably right :)


RE: Dear Non Adult Host

I agree. I do not want my future wife showing her titties to other men.


RE: Dear Non Adult Host

too late..i saw them..quite lovely





RE: Dear Non Adult Host

What happens between you and a host is a private matter, it should be left there. The website used to say something to that effect, somewhere. If members would respect privacy in this regard it would not be an issue, period.


RE: Dear Non Adult Host

Except that there are open sessions in which it is not merely between a host and you, but potentially many more. And CC as the site host has some say as well. So this argument doesn't hold up.


RE: Dear Non Adult Host

Sure it does. When I say "private" or "maintaining privacy" that comes with being discreet as well. Performing an adult show in "make new friends" or "marriage" in an open session is certainly not either. Been here a long time and have never seen that, if you do give me a call and I will be the first to jump in. One other thing is some hosts get placed into these categories and neither they or the studios are aware of the rules for that category. That I have seen. That is not the hosts fault.


RE: Dear Non Adult Host

How is that relevant to Obi's point? I was not talking about a 121 session; I couldn't assume you were either.

What Obi is talking about is, if you look at non-adult profiles now, there's no question in many cases that an adult show is possible. Where is the discretion in that?

It's up to CC if they want to enforce their rules or not, but I could understand if some hosts in adult categories get irritated at the charade of "non-adult."


RE: Dear Non Adult Host

It doesn't. I am talking to you. Let me say it this way: The only way I would see an adult performance in a non-adult category in an open session is either the host or studio not know what category they are in. If a host decides to go adult with me in a private session, as far as I am concerned it is between me and the host. I guess if you found out you would go tell CC, maybe it would make you fell better :)


RE: Dear Non Adult Host

actually that has happened...a member asked for sexy show....she showed....he complained...he knew the rules an purposely set her up and she got go ahead and think just because you are in 121 you can ask for sexy show in non adult


RE: Dear Non Adult Host

But honestly , I seriously was annoyed when non-adults just broke rules and pooped out those boobiesssss ԅ(¯﹃¯ԅ) , and on fetish they said shitt in my mouth ! FUCK 💩


RE: Dear Non Adult Host

I somehow doubt that this is the whole story.


RE: Dear Non Adult Host

it literally says on the chathost screen while she in video session NO NUDITY in red letters and also it doesnt matter privacy or not...rules are actually made a new catagory called Glamour because of this very issue of non adult host doing adult shows


RE: Dear Non Adult Host

The problem with that category is that there are often very few girls. Most times it seems to have the least girls online. I always felt CC should just move girls to this category automatically when they detect a girl is breaking the non adult rules, instead of banning them.


RE: Dear Non Adult Host

WOW ! You said : " I always felt CC should just move girls to this category automatically when they detect a girl is breaking the non adult rules, instead of banning them" , and you were talking about Glamour you make it sound, like in Glamour, girls are / or should be "sent " as a punishment..huh!? What a joke/joker!


RE: Dear Non Adult Host

no..what i believe he was saying was that...if a girl from non adult is breaking the in getting naked...her catagory should automatically switch to glamour if nudity is detected(which is iimpossible) instead of being banned or warned..he wasnt saying glamour itself is a least this what i got :)


RE: Dear Non Adult Host


Its a shame to punish girls if its us that are pushing them to break the rules.


RE: Dear Non Adult Host

Correct, girls should not be punished. As long as there are studios creating accounts and putting the chathosts into categories for the chathosts, there will be inconsistencies in the categories. And I can think of bigger crimes than showing boobs on an adult chat site.
And actually how long can anyone *really* be "a little shy"? I see chathosts in that category for over a year or even longer. So indecisive really?
Maybe cc should just send a message to the chathosts once a month if they are still in the correct category OR the categories are nothing more than guidelines or marketing but should not be taken too seriously. It might just bring attention to some chathosts, who might be unaware of the category and the rules.


RE: Dear Non Adult Host

You didn’t understand.

I suggest instead of a punishment. Instead of giving girls a ban as they do now, that they move them to an appropriate category


RE: Dear Non Adult Host

My understanding is they are warned and/or given a chance to change the category. Banning on first offense is rather harsh. Like I said elsewhere many of the girls are in categories and placed there by studios and they do not understand the rules. One host I lost here was banned for soliciting videos outside CC and they did give her warnings first and only banned her after she did not change her behavior. If they would give a host a chance for that I cannot see why they would not for doing adult in non-adult categories which seems to be a lessor offence, to me.


RE: Dear Non Adult Host

Seriously? rules are rules. And the non-adult categories have clearly specified rules. Don't want to abide by them? Find a category that allows it or find a different site to work.


RE: Dear Non Adult Host

Yep! Seriously. When you grow up I guess you want to be a moderator on one of those other places :)





RE: Dear Non Adult Host

OMGH ....Is that's all about you sweetie was  worship my  beauty , but not worshiped my ass )))) But the rules says ---------------------->Fetishes are different, and not all of them require hardcore action. eehehehhehehe 520kisses .But clam rules says ----------> Please keep in mind that this category only removes the boundaries - adult behavior, sexy chat, and nudity are allowed, but NOT required. So please be respectful of the Chathost's preferences and double check her profile prior to entering video chat. If you looking for cammodels you will find them here on CamContacts!


RE: Dear Non Adult Host

521 kisses


RE: Dear Non Adult Host

Perhaps its time CC/girls stood up to those users who want girls to break the rules and report/ban users? Does that/has it ever happened?

On second thoughts, I might end up in trouble myself!!!


RE: Dear Non Adult Host

Seems cc has no problem with how the categories are right now. I do not understand these two categories in the first place. And practically every host in these categories seems to have a profile in the adult categories too.


RE: Dear Non Adult Host

Consider my profile non adult. no matter how much you beg me to get naked i wont !! lol


RE: Dear Non Adult Host

i do not have need to be offended by what any host does. isnt the idea just finding someone to have fun with. i have bigger issues than complaining about hosts


RE: Dear Non Adult Host

Long time ago i was in MNF, my first month's here. Almost every man who called me ...( polite chat for a few min, we tried to know each other little better, at least some info) .. asked to undress and etc. Each time, when i tried to explain that i did not want and remind rules - they just left and put 1 start.
I do not protect girls, who just dont want to change category and legally be naked, BUT..where is the logic? If all is clear with category and lots of men call, ask adult show, get NO and just ruin rate. So how many pages girls must do coz of unfair bad rate?
Espeically i enjoy those type, to whom millions time answer NO and he still beg to be naked.
Its not only about girls in wrong category for them, but also men, who think that if its porno site, then ALL girls must undress because of be payed


RE: Dear Non Adult Host

You raise a good point. Instead of blaming the hosts, let's start putting some ownership on the men who know what the categories are but insist that the host does stuff outside the category's parameters. The hosts should not be put in the position of complying because they do not want to lose the customer. This is especially true for new hosts who are trying to build a customer base.


RE: Dear Non Adult Host

ObiRog, you old Puritan Prude, you ;)


RE: Dear Non Adult Host

i may also mention that in all camcontacts it is forbidden to meet thus if you are looking to meet someone you are breaking CC rules


RE: Dear Non Adult Host

well i broke the rules..guess im getting banned


Almost every host raised her rates

I am amazed at how many hosts decided to raise rates at the same time! This is across categories! Is this because of the "contest"?
Open thread


RE: Almost every host raised her rates

Of course.


RE: Almost every host raised her rates

Noooo, it`s inflation rising high!


RE: Almost every host raised her rates

Better watch out for taxes!


RE: Almost every host raised her rates

If it really is ALL girls it could also just be due to exchange rate changes for the US Dollar against your local currency.



i have half my heart filled..can a host join me :P
Open thread


RE: contest

Wrong contest Obi :D Hearts will be in February)))


RE: contest

you mean im playing the wrong contest?....darn it :(


RE: contest

my heart is filled..and it is payless


RE: contest

Ill join your heart to make it complete :P


RE: contest

sandra :)



Is anyone here from UK? Thanks
Open thread



Yes.....why do you ask ?






yes i am. I have been coming here on and off for about 10 years



what times you online



Aye UK



How many girls here are looking for a "Sugar Daddy"? I don't mean an internet daddy but a real daddy that you spend sexy time with. Under what terms would you entertain having a real sugar daddy?
Open thread











RE: Question

True, even if they delivery Ozon boxes. And act agressive if they get sent to a right place.





RE: Question

im sure , if you prove you support her as real Daddy , one would be found for you .ᓚᘏᗢ


RE: Question

Any kind of relationship lasts until it satisfies both sides. I don't know if you mean just sex and $$$ or you are talking about deeper relations when you have something more that connects you besides sex... The 1st option is always easy to find, and easy to finish the relationship that is based on sex and $$$$ only... While the 2nd option will definitely take time but the result would be more impressive as well as the terms of this kind of relationship


RE: Question

As a sugar daddy myself i can say, Colorado is the best. It has something of everything.


RE: Question

Hear hear! ;-)


Sex Dolls

So, being bored today I thought I would pose the question, Have any hosts videoed with a member who was having sex with a sex doll when you were in video?
Open thread


RE: Sex Dolls

Yes :) and many other things like pillow, foam mattress, open toe woman's shoe etc


RE: Sex Dolls

I guess men use whatever turns them on...


RE: Sex Dolls

I had experienced with member who had sex with the doll. He had a wig for her and dresses. He wanted me to give him instructions how to fuck her :D


RE: Sex Dolls

i do have sex doll real one and i fuck her too) with wig and real tits and so on..


RE: Sex Dolls

Whos got real tits?U or the doll? ...


RE: Sex Dolls

Maybe that's something I should check out


RE: Sex Dolls



RE: Sex Dolls

I have sex with anything


Long Term/Marriage Category Experiment

Well, my experiment has ended with no real surprises. No marriage proposals, not even close, even when offering to pay air fare and a trial engagement , return fare At the beginning of the chats it was hard to determine the direction the chat was going to take. Let me say that it was a small percentage that kept the chat clean and stayed dressed. For the others, even though I did not actually solicit sexy interaction, it was a case of not being able to tell which category they were actually in. As I said no surprises. No more experiments for me.
Open thread





RE: Long Term/Marriage Category Experiment

Lol....I think being married 3 times is enough





RE: Long Term/Marriage Category Experiment

Thanks Westlain for this very important "anthropological" research into the categories. You have provided an important service to the CC who's up for doing the same for Make New Friends (not me, I'm too old and wise to do field research any more :P).


RE: Long Term/Marriage Category Experiment

I feel that some girls are in this category along with make friends as a cover for family reasons but they can then offer extras.


RE: Long Term/Marriage Category Experiment

Sorry to clarify, but what would happen if the girl agreed? Would you pay her a ticket, a visa and offer her your hand or heart? Perhaps the girls felt that you were not telling the truth and therefore did not take your proposal seriously?


RE: Long Term/Marriage Category Experiment

That part was a joke Annette. Although if anyone actually wanted to do that I would certainly discuss it. Not for Marriage though.


RE: Long Term/Marriage Category Experiment

never been proposed to....pity


RE: Long Term/Marriage Category Experiment

never was proposed to ..(¯(°_o)/¯


RE: Long Term/Marriage Category Experiment

cleo will you ..... me?


RE: Long Term/Marriage Category Experiment

Will im buy you a tiket ?_) sureeee ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ


RE: Long Term/Marriage Category Experiment

you thought i said marry? no..i meant carry feet hurting :D


RE: Long Term/Marriage Category Experiment

why no more?


RE: Long Term/Marriage Category Experiment

very funny....haha


RE: Long Term/Marriage Category Experiment

Thank you. This is a better result than I expected to be honest. I expected all kinds of love cons/romance scams in that category. Apparently this is not the case. It is still curious why this category exists at all given that exchange of contact information is not even allowed here...


RE: Long Term/Marriage Category Experiment

Yes, it is a mystery.


RE: Long Term/Marriage Category Experiment

I made thread about the two "non adult" sections a while back too (scroll down a little, there seems to be no way to link to a thread), because I still not really understand them completely.

"The "non adult" categories...I am puzzled"

I had a closer look at the "make new friends" category (didn't engage though). Most profiles and show descrptions (makes basically no sense to even put something there if you take it seriously) would indicate more something like "make new friends with benefits". Also practically all chathosts seems to have profiles in the "adult sections" (often a 1:1 copy of the profile in mnf). Possibly the same with "long term and marriage".


RE: Long Term/Marriage Category Experiment

its seems i looks rude for you , if only on my question i still havent answer !
well..... you got me wrong ....


RE: Long Term/Marriage Category Experiment

I've always regarded this "policy" as a wink and a nod by CC. It is easy enough to exchange information if the host agrees. CC will not accept any responsibility for the results, and I can't blame them. It also gives a host cover if she (or he) refuses.


RE: Long Term/Marriage Category Experiment

After all these years, West. You'll tell us you believe in Father Christmas next! ;)



Open thread



Have a spook-tacular, boo-tiful, wooo-nderful, and fang-tastic Halloween! Mikyayayyayay





How to...

How to stop time:kiss.
How to travel in time:read.
How to escape time:music.
How to feel time:write.
How to release time:breathe.
How to spend time:follow me...
Open thread


RE: How to...

What are you trying to say here with this "How to" stuff?


RE: How to...

Women are riddles, even to themselves;) if you solve this or want to try, read the last line again;) and welcome:)


RE: How to...

Good one Angelin... there is a reason the Sphinx was a woman :)


RE: How to...

I saw your pictures and would like to follow you.


RE: How to...

this might be fun adventure:)


RE: How to...

Well, let us spend some time together.


RE: How to...

great idea:)


RE: How to...

pretty cool profile


RE: How to...

thank you;)


Halloween Kills

dont waste your time on this garbage....i took one for the team so yall didnt have to :)
Open thread


RE: Halloween Kills

founded purple bikini ? ԅ(¯﹃¯ԅ)


RE: Halloween Kills

yep :D


RE: Halloween Kills

And then there is new "Chucky" haha


RE: Halloween Kills

Oh yeah ))).But great ones few of them if someone didn't watch but want is,You,I know what you did last summer.Sinner,Mr Robot,How to get away with murder,..



hey folks :D who is ready for beer?
Open thread


RE: cheers!

<-----------not folks ! But 🍻🍻🍻


RE: cheers!

hands up!


RE: cheers!

Damnnnt . hahhha (ง •_•)ง


RE: cheers!



RE: cheers!

missed u too !!!!!!!


RE: cheers!

cheers Clancy!


RE: cheers!

I applaud your choice of drink


A poem by Willie Nelson

" I've outlived my dick"
My nookie days are over
My pilot light is out
What used to be my pride and joy
Is now my water spout.

Time was when, on its own accord
From my trousers, it would spring
But now I've got a full-time job
To find the friggin thing.

It used to be embarrassing
The way it would behave'
For every single morning
It would stand and watch me shave.

Now as old age approaches
It sure gives me the blues'
To see it hang its little head,
And watch me tie my shoes.
Open thread


RE: A poem by Willie Nelson

why this poem is sad , for me's like autumn depression .


RE: A poem by Willie Nelson



RE: A poem by Willie Nelson

maybe not everything is so sad ??? do not despair))) your nose can still please you)


Fake hosts?

Recent visits to hosts within non-adult categories has included visits to what feels like 'fake hosts'. Recent profile listings, often listed as from Ukraine include stunning profiles but once you enter chat, you're confronted with an expressionless host which appear more like a pre recorded video on a loop. Has anyone else experienced recent fake video hosts in this site and does anyone know if CC admin police the risk?
Open thread


RE: Fake hosts?

hi .. really sad to hear ! You may report that host to CC police , they shut her down ! i think it's unfair to the hosts , who really stay here online and joy have vid with members ! CC didn't know she use pre record , until you report them


RE: Fake hosts?

This makes absolutely no sense to me and eventually the truth comes out. I would report that person as its false advertisement


RE: Fake hosts?

It happens very often that I enter a fake room... I recommend you to always ask them in the beginning to wave there hand to the camera, to show that they're real. Also always watch out if the the video is skipping/jump cutting if she do something you ask, if it cuts a frame its most likely a pre recorded session. Many scammers use manyvids to broadcast a fake cam girl and they can play some different pre recroded actions, thats why the girls are always perfectly in the middle since after the performed action she goes back to the standard position and it cuts to the standard video again it's bassicaly a loop they can perform over and over gain...
you really need to watch out for it, you can google "how to spot a fake live chat" for more information

If you came accross a fake cam report it to the support to get your money back and so can remove the scammers!





RE: Fake hosts?

admin of studio typing. For example admin open 10 rooms of different girls recording and typing when someone come in. Is best way to check is
to ask host to do something special.


RE: Fake hosts?

I thought a couple members were out of their minds when I've been asked am I real or not lol. I can prove a live broadcasting with my voice. This stupid trick was popular many years ago and it's pretty sad that someone use this in nowadays. If you have these doubts the best advice is report cc immediately and ask your money back. CC police will do some investigation. If you are wrong the host will not get into trouble and will not lose their money for your suspicions.


RE: Fake hosts?

Of course, your doubts takes place, but using pre-recorded video in non-adult categories where the sense of the video session is speach comunications is rather controversial trick. What to pre-record there? :):) I think their English is poor , if at all . So imagine , you write somthing , she makes copy-paste it in the translator, reads it, thinks what to answer, then writes an answer, then copies the translation of the answer in the CC chat, sends it. When she does all these actions , from your side it looks likes time goes, nothing happens :)):


RE: Fake hosts?

your option is quite possible


RE: Fake hosts?

Once it looks like a prerecorded vid, i end the vid. I will not let it go on. I have had it happen a couple of times recently.


RE: Fake hosts?

you must notify CC so they can take action





RE: Fake hosts?

I also had this issue with a member ,it s not just about hosts ...some members do this in here also ....they post videos of others while prvts ....


RE: Fake hosts?

one guest also called me and turned on the video recording as he masturbates ...:(


RE: Fake hosts?

if you know members are recording should report them also


RE: Fake hosts?

Members CAN'T record hosts. Can they?


RE: Fake hosts?

Ah yes, the "non" adult categories. I regularly visit girls in MNF category but to be honest, I havent come across any that seem fake, though I tend to prefer the girls that are clearly at home rather than in studios so maybe I avoid them because of that. CC certainly seems to be stricter though lately so it would be worht reporting any you see.


RE: Fake hosts?

Never had this trouble with girls met in community chat !!!



Roses are red
Nuts are brown
Skirts go up
Pants go down
Body to body Skin to skin
When its stiff
Stick it in
The Longer its in
The Stronger it gets
It goes in dry And comes out wet
It comes out dripping And starts to sag
Its not what you think......
Its a Teabag
Open thread



You're so hot.



oh thanks . mr H ) did i was hot ? when O.O



No No, not that at all. Its when you dip it in boiling hot water.



Roses are red lemons are sour. Open your legs and give me an hour.



an hour of sour juicy drinks.?









I think that it is now time to conduct an experiment. During the month of October, I will only be visiting Long Term/ Marriage category hosts. I believe that this will be an interesting experience. I will not ask for anything that is outside the expectations for that category and will also be open to Long Term and/or marriage conversations. I will report my findings at the beginning of November
Open thread


RE: Experiment

Interesting experiment Westlain. Will you also report on other services offered by the chat hosts?


RE: Experiment

I do not intend to make problems for any host, so I will not be reporting on individual hosts and what they do/do not do,


RE: Experiment

Then we await your findings with interest......I myself have only rarely visited LTAM hosts........just as I have rarely if ever visited Instant Action hosts.....





RE: Experiment

I enjoy chatting with women in the LTAM category, there are some very nice women there. But I make it clear I'm not really in the market for that sort of thing and if they want to chat it's usually very enjoyable.


RE: Experiment

A host in the friend's category once told me that they get fined if they undress in the video. I said that someone must be spying on you.


RE: Experiment

Yes CC is following models. My friend was blocked here because she broke the rules of the Make new friends category


RE: Experiment

What do you mean following them?


RE: Experiment

This category is a complete mystery to me. Long term and marriage but exchanging contact information is forbidden. Extreme social distancing relationship apparently.


RE: Experiment

Here's a "Marriage and/or Long Term" girl that I highly recommend. "CutexxMiss". Lovey young woman from Ukraine who speaks very fluent English.


RE: Experiment

So you're offering your future bride to other guys here? lol


RE: Experiment



RE: Experiment

Good luck Westlain ,how is going so far?


RE: Experiment

Well, the first host I videoed with, started undressing when I said Hi. Had to stop her before she took off her panties (hard for me to do) but I was not there for that. With the others about 50% were true to the category , not even any suggestive chat. 50% suggestively indicated they would do more to varying degrees. No marriage proposals yet :-).


RE: Experiment

We are eagerly awaiting more from your experiment. How many pen pals, best friends forever and marriage proposals have you scored so far?


RE: Experiment

Shit, did it again, used wrong username hahahaha.


RE: Experiment



RE: Experiment

would you breal all the rules to marry someone from here? just am going crazy...after a few hosts wanting to leave bad an amazing women ...she gets jealous ...would even be willing to leave cc...


No woman likes Neanderthals!!

When you enter the room you should greet the host first! This is simply a basic rule when it comes to etiquette and manners.
Being silent like a creep or just intentionally rude is just a turn off and proves onces again why you need to pay to get some virtual attention.

Open thread


RE: No woman likes Neanderthals!!

Neanderthals were thought to have a greater percentage of their brain matter devoted to empathy and sympathetic response. But I'm sure a Neanderthal, after shaking his head in dismay, would get the drift of your message and wish you good fortune going forward.


RE: No woman likes Neanderthals!!

maybe the Neanderthal is perplexed by your beauty and is speechless or maybe he was finding food for his clan and just simply forgot to say hi..oh oh i got it...he was watchin tiktok rude of him but yeah i get your point i have heard this is strange and good luck in the future :)


RE: No woman likes Neanderthals!!

dont get your panties in a tight knot they just dont see you as a person :)
theyre window shopping lots of them have porn debt and so on. paying $20 for porn is an eccentric spending for some because theres so much free porn out there. dont get aggravated by the notties enjoy the good juicy apples:)





RE: No woman likes Neanderthals!!

Absolutely correct :-)


RE: No woman likes Neanderthals!!

the guy who said I am rude in my reviews never says gbye or anything :) and he gets upset when I say no to him :) he is from Germany so that might have something to do with it. Ill never know why he keeps coming into my chat. well I do take pride in my rrrrudddness :)
actually the guys who flash their peen and move on enjoy doing just that. you might think that theyre cheap yes but they also flash many girls so I guess its a win win situation for the website. most guys envy you for the easy access to any kind of nudity and pervy acts, they dont know that you see it as an act of aggression. dont think he wants to be rude hes just doing his things and I am sure he thinks you dont give a damn really :)


RE: No woman likes Neanderthals!!

Are you trying to tell me in your own gentle and subtle way that I I should change my ways ?


RE: No woman likes Neanderthals!!

Interesting first sentence statement. I have never been a fan of being told what I "should" do. However, having said that, I always say my hello's in chat first prior to entering the video. Now, if I were that person entering a video without any previous communication, and was paying for your time, although it may be creepy to you if I said nothing and just watched you, that is what I would be paying for. I see no reason for anyone to be intentionally rude to you or show you their cock as the first thing you see. However, once again, the person is paying and you always have the choice of closing the video down. I always ask before engaging in self pleasure in front of the host. I am under no illusion that most hosts probably do not enjoy watching me self pleasure, but are professional enough to appear to enjoy it. Although I believe members and hosts should be treated decently and with good manners, this is still transactional adult web cam site where members pay and hosts perform ( to whatever level is agreed on).


RE: No woman likes Neanderthals!!

What is the difference between neanderthal and caveman?


RE: No woman likes Neanderthals!!

the caveman managed to craft himself a fleshlight )


RE: No woman likes Neanderthals!!

I thought you were old, but not THAT old :-)


Dress as you look in the profile

Many of the girls here have posted attractive photos of themselves on their profiles dressed in a bikini or sexy lingerie.
This does generate much interest in the male members. What I have noticed is when I enter the video chat and see the girl live I don't see her wearing the bikini or sexy lingerie. It is somewhat of a letdown, I would suggest the girls begin wearing the outfits they are wearing in their profile pictures. You may notice an increase in video chats from the members.
Open thread


RE: Dress as you look in the profile

Yes agree,
I am a clothes person and would like them
to dress as per the picture or offer to do so.





RE: Dress as you look in the profile

really dude? thats what you are complaining about? going to a video and she is not wearing the exact outfit in her pictures? how dare they be normal while waiting for a video right?


RE: Dress as you look in the profile

How dare we,m i right?:)))))


RE: Dress as you look in the profile

you know you are supposed to be wearing your strap on at all times..haha


RE: Dress as you look in the profile

Or,or just the trap:)))),pardon strap :)))and nobody would suggest to have the proper things from my pictures on me at all costs :)))


RE: Dress as you look in the profile

Now I understand why sometimes some members enter my video chat and then immediately leave. I do not sit in the same clothes, in the same pose, in front of the same wall with the same wallpaper, with the same facial expression, with the same make-up and the same hair style that I perform in my profile photo at this moment . I am a huge letdown...


RE: Dress as you look in the profile

ladymodel..dont be hard on sure you are lovely no matter what you are wearing :)


RE: Dress as you look in the profile

You are ABSOLUTELY NOT a let down, you are a chamelion and you make an incredible mannequin. I would be happy to dress you... and undress you anytime you like. hee hee


RE: Dress as you look in the profile

Ok, guys :) Thank you for complimens, You convinced me to postpone my webam retirement )))


RE: Dress as you look in the profile

Sometimes when I am on it is early morning in the Ukraine. I understand the girls may not be fixed up. I will usually check with them if I am looking for a certain type of outfit.. Sometimes I like the just got up look, no make up :)


RE: Dress as you look in the profile

Guys, I have great news for you. Girls can change clothes during video. You can ask about any clothes you saw in profile and she will wear it. Miracle!))


RE: Dress as you look in the profile

Wow. You mean, girls have closets? Full of clothes? Who knew?


RE: Dress as you look in the profile



RE: Dress as you look in the profile

But,forgot to mention not all want that.Instead,they want us to change for free step by step,same pose,same wallpaper,same photographer :))),i guess i should bring all the people from that point to my house already if i made a photoshooting )))


RE: Dress as you look in the profile

smarty ....have fail on smart line ......:)


RE: Dress as you look in the profile



RE: Dress as you look in the profile

As long as they come off, who cares what clothes they wear.


RE: Dress as you look in the profile

Good point EdgeLover :D


RE: Dress as you look in the profile

Isn't a bit of mystery nice? Rather than expecting whatever you see?


RE: Dress as you look in the profile

Sometimes it's better to see than visualize.
Once you called me and said that you would call me back, but it did not happen :)

Expectation = reality


RE: Dress as you look in the profile

I find this request so silly . I understand the idea that if u present urself as a chathost with a certain image /style keep that while you are broadcasting . i mean don't present urself all glamour and then during video to wear pijama and look like you just woke up .I get that and i find it fair .But to wear exactly the same clothes i find it so silly .You can always ask the chathost if she has that certain outfit and willing to wear it WHILE in session .


RE: Dress as you look in the profile

True.Same are my thoughts too about this silly expectation.I'm sure nobody will refuse to change lol,but if they have expectation for free then lmao.I'm not even in 'glamour' and still i'm always looking the best while online,becouse that's how i feel like the best of me ;),but if somebody wants to find a reason about a host lol,they will find no matter what we gonna do )))


RE: Dress as you look in the profile

For me girl does not have to wear same clothes .... but these days I prefer ladies with some real life
Ie normal pictures in her profile.

If she has her hair done a certain way or display pictures are filtered and the real life version different then sometimes this is a disa

Better to have a realistic picture in there somewhere I think
